Just to prove how exceptionally cool I am, see this page: Gmail swap. These people are actually begging Google-employees to invite them to use Gmail (that's the only possibility to get an account except from being invited by Blogger).
It's a crazy world. Totally freaked.
there she goes... is it really worth it?
Well, maybe I can attract someone with my new gmail-address. I think I will update my profile on www.handsomeguyswhogotdropped.com right now.
P.S.: Darling, if you read this: Sorry that you are not as cool as I am... but aehm - I really had a good time, I think we got to know each other quite well... but, you know, on the other hand, the gmail seemed to be a bit more outgoing, it let me log-in right at the time-out... so gmail, sorry, You are dismissed!
-> gmail is a bitch and I don't care how cool or not cool she is, I just love my girlfriend.
5:38 PM
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