my first journey across the ocean!

Freitag, April 30, 2004

I am still not sure what the climate is gonna be like - just hot or wet and hot or "humid" and hot? Maybe there will be some times when it is rainy and hot, sometimes it will even be dark and hot...
Right now in S'pore: 32,8 degrees celcius.
It doesn't get any better!!!!

Donnerstag, April 29, 2004

why the hell...
am I writing all this in english?
I guess that was influenced by the fact that all other blogs I looked at before creating my own were in english (except some in languages that I could not even name). Of course, I want to be cool - another critical reason. Best reason could be that I will be writing and speaking in English the most time in Singapore. Maybe I will switch to German sooner or later, maybe I´ll mix it up. You`ll definiteley see :-)

I just found this on the net - to give you all an impression of what is expecting me! Of course I am going to take my own pictures, don't worry. As my birthday gift from Tine was a digicam this year, there will be plenty!
pictures of Singapore at - singapore pictures photos travel images photographs scenery

Dienstag, April 27, 2004

Good afternoon!

Now it is only some 3 weeks to go before my journey starts. In fact, it's mainly gonna be work, as I do an internship in S'pore. But it will be fun anyways - and don't forget about the nice little vacation that I'll have after the internship. Malaysia is planned - the islands are just too nice!