my first journey across the ocean!

Samstag, Juni 19, 2004

Now I've been awake for about 41 hours.
Take this advice from me: Don't try this at home. It sucks. Really. I kinda feel guilty to do this to my body, hopefully its payback will not be too hard. But one thing lead to another...
Going out was fun, we went to eat some Thai food at the Esplanade (the theater), then went to New Asia bar (located in S'pores highest building in the top floor, then to Indochine at the little river through CBD. Somehow I managed to pick a girls' drink (actually PINK) two times by just picking something out of the menu that sounded good. Hope that does not give hints about my charakter. I took a Whisky afterwards, just to have something that is not pink. So I got a little drunk... combined with being tired and having some painkillers... not a good idea at all, but I feel pretty well for that. Now I finally go to sleep, and I will surely sleep like a stone. Until 7:30... I meet Weiwei at 9:30 at the boarder to Malaysia to go to Malaka. She is confident that the trip will work the way we planned it (despite going there and knowing where to sleep, nothing is really planned), but it will be fun anyway.
I can't wait to show Tine all the places that I discover here. It will be SOOO much fun with her, and actually it is only some really short weeks until she comes here. I am soooooooooo looking forward to see her! I miss her a lot, really. Things will be complete and fine again when she is here.
My efforts at work paid off: Johannes seems to like what I've done and wrote a mail to LTP that we completet the preparation. So now the project is going to get into the practical phase, that will be cool!
Good night, friends. Tine, I miss U!

Freitag, Juni 18, 2004

Life is a bitch.
I left the office at 5pm, as early as never before, to catch at least half an hour of rest at home before heading off to Anke's goodbye-celebration. I got into the MRT, walked up the hill to the condo... and then... WHERE IS MY KEY? ... for gods sake, of course it was in my desk. In the office. So - no rest, no sleep, just a Taxi driver that wanted to talk about economics and a new world order. I hate him. Now I am off... some over 30 hours without sleep - it's time for another Paracetamol. Have a nice weekend, folks! I'm going to Melaka, Malaysia tomorrow, look out for pics next week.

Out of the office, this morning. Sunset in Singapure is a thing of minutes. The first one I've seen here, it was so fast! I left the office and it was like this, and I got into the MRT and it was day.

That's it from the inside - I like that, it is like a cathedral.

That is me, this morning at 6:30 am, just leaving the office after being there for about - - aaaah - toooooooo long.

The other day we've had dinner in this old, colonial-style food-court. I forgot the name... it is somehow famous and right in the CBD.

Hey, this is Christoph! He will kill me when he sees this picture of him on the net. He had a good party the night before, and the pic was taken at about 8:00am. Don't judge him before you have seen a better pic!

back in the office. This is gonna be a long, hard day - but it's my own fault. I didn't even have a deadline, I was just too lazy this week and wanted my work to be done.... so I have to deal with the consequences, which are plenty.
And the worst thing: No one has answered my question yet. What a pity. I am offering them THIRTY USD and no one is interested... well, I'll give it some more time. Can't get worse.

Hey all...
now it is 5:40am and I am getting ready to get out of the office to take a shower, get some other clothes on and breathe some fresh air.
I only wanted to finish the "repair" of my work, so that I can present it to Johannes when he comes back from his business trip - tomorrow / today. Then I really got into it and made that Excel-File a piece of art, then I added the latest news, then made the charts... it all took hell of a time. So here I am now. And guess what? I still have no clue how to figure out which aircraft is where when overnight. I am so out of ideas that I placed my question on and offer 30 Dollars to the one who provides me with an answer. Some one minute or so after I placed the answer, there was the first comment - to call the airlines directly and ask them. I'd like to! But that is out of question, of course... before doing this I could also tell the whole sales-team "guys, stop working, now I am going to spread so many rumours that every negotiation you are at right now will screw up anyway!" - - - let's see if someone has an answer for me. At least - that google-service really is a good idea, and it is not even connected to "privacy concerns"!

By the way, for all of those who did not understand that Homer Simpson quote:
This line is from an episode where Homer is to be some sort of "specialist" which he, of course, isn't. So he is involved in some technical chit-chat, and one (real) professional says "nuclear" (german: nuklear), and Homer corrects him. That is "nukolar!", and the pro responds, no, nuklear! and so on... for ME it's funny, at least because it was a running gag back at school with some friends.

I'm off now, coming back sooner then I want it right now. :-)

Donnerstag, Juni 17, 2004

» Das Wort heißt Nukolar ... Nukolar. Nuuukooolaaar! « Homer Jay Simpson

Mittwoch, Juni 16, 2004

But just listen to the other side, as well:
gmail is too creepy

Just to prove how exceptionally cool I am, see this page: Gmail swap. These people are actually begging Google-employees to invite them to use Gmail (that's the only possibility to get an account except from being invited by Blogger).

It's a crazy world. Totally freaked.

Guys, I am cool, you knew that. Now you can recognize it by my new email-address: . You know Gmail? Better should! Gmail is Google's new freemail-service. With 1000MB of Space. Never delete messages again! I will try to get all my mails autoforwarded to it, it is just too cool. And the special: Not everyone can sign in to gmail yet, so it is still some kind of "special" (you DID know I'm a freak!).
Other news? No, not really. Watch out for some pictures later.

Dienstag, Juni 15, 2004

I just found this picture of my sister on her online-gallery. What a beauty! She just came back from her year in Detroit. I am really looking forward to meet her when I am back in Germany - we have not seen each other for such a long time!

Montag, Juni 14, 2004

I'm a lucky SOB!
While presenting my results, Johannes asked me some tiny little questions like "why is that?"... to cut it short: An assumption I had made right in the beginning of my whole route-analysis-stuff was totally wrong, and I had not noticed it. That was really awkward. But Johannes (or BOSS, as Sharon calls him) did not trouble me at all, he said that things like that just happen and discussed with me how to make it right. I went back to my desk and started working immediateley, because I want to have it right as soon as possible. But that is not all: He came to me when was leaving and said that I shouldn't work so long and put me under stress, he would not need the results before next monday - and that we should have a beer together on the weekend. That's cool! And to make it even better, when I asked him if it was maybe possible to attend a client meeting, just to get an idea of how they work, he said that he would bear that in mind and search for an matching occasion, and that maybe I could go through a project with Olaf, who makes deals which are not that long-term oriented (10years sometimes), therefore are faster to make, and maybe I could there have a chance to go along with the whole process from the first meeting till the final handshake. That is really great, even though it is no final YES.
Boy, this day was upside down and inside out, put the end was great.

no comment!

That's my desk! I love it! Have you noticed the wallpaper of my notebook? I told you that I have a crush on Macs... :-)

The now office at night. I think it is a LOT better than before.

You can find this right in front of the pavement at a pedestrian light. Smoking is a sin in Singapore, but a lot more people do it then I thought.

That's my greencard! Well...not quite as cool as a "real" greencard, but at least it makes travelling a lot easier because at the border they just scan the greencard, and it is a multi-entry-visa until September.

Hey people... it's a good monday and it is not.
The whole office is betting on the European Football Championship, and from the first four games this weekend I have bet the right score 2 times! That means that I have won 26,30 SGD, already far exceeding the 16 SGD I have spent to bet on 8 games. And maybe I have one right next weekend, as well?! That was some good news to start the day.
Then I found a solution for my "which aircraft where from whom"-Problem, I just solved it statistically. I have a whole folder full of timetables, and I did not get out anything of it, so I just switched to assume some things and calculate it. Way cool! The only thing is, that my boss has to accept that Idea... otherwise I have a problem, because we are to have a meeting in an hour ;-)
The "not so good" part is that my application for the New-York-Conference of Business Today was rejected. DAMN! They would have paid everything, flight, accomodation... that would have been a dream. That is so typical for me: Apply for an Conference in Shanghai, a City you only had heard of, but not in an "I want to go there"-way, which is so expensive that you can hardly afford it, and they accept you (maybe the only criteria is to pay the fee?!? At least it's run by Harvard students!). Apply for a conference in New York, the City you have dreamt of for years, that you REALLY REALLY want to see, and which is totally free - they reject you. I hate it.

Let's see how my mood is after meeting my boss - I really hope he is OK with my Idea.

Laut einer morgendlichen Massenmail bin ich nicht nur Widder, sondern auch:

"Haselnuss (Außergewöhnlich) – charmant, anspruchslos, sehr verständnisvoll, weiß es einen Eindruck zu hinterlassen, aktiver Kämpfer für soziale Gerechtigkeit, beliebt, gefühlvoll, komplizierter Liebhaber, ehrlicher, toleranter Partner, genaue Vorstellung von Gerechtigkeit."

Was meint ihr?

Hallo Leute!

Ich hab es ja schon angekuendigt, irgendwann auch mal in Deutsch zu posten... tja, nu isses so weit!
Ich sass gerade auf der Terasse rum, mal wieder ueberwaeltigt davon wie heiss es auch nachts draussen noch ist (und wie wundervoll die Erfindung der Klimaanlage ist!), und hab mir ueberlegt wie schnell ich mich daran gewoehnt habe, jetzt in Singapur zu sein. Hey, ich bin auf einem anderen Kontinent! An der WHU zu sein hat so seine Vorteile, aber manchmal habe ich das Gefuehl dass sich das Wertespektrum ganz schoen verschiebt. Fuer WHU'ler ist es vollkommen normal, Praktika in fremden Laendern zu machen (wenn man die nicht eh schon alle kennt), und bei den besten Firmen zu arbeiten. Man geht fuer ein ganzes Jahr ins Ausland, auf zwei Unis, man hat so unglaublich viele Moeglichkeiten. Fuer viele Studenten waere dieses Programm mit viiiiel mehr Aufwand verbunden, und manches waere schlicht nicht machbar. Um es auf den Punkt zu bringen: Ich bin sehr dankbar hier zu sein, und diese Fuelle von Moeglichkeiten zu haben. Manchmal finde ich so einen Moment, in dem man sich bewusst macht wie gut es einem eigentlich geht, sehr wichtig und wohltuend. Das rueckt die Probleme, die einem tagsueber als so wichtig erscheinen, ins richtige Licht. Gute Nacht!