my first journey across the ocean!

Donnerstag, Juli 08, 2004

off to the Philippines

hey folks, just a short message today... I'll be off to Manila 'til tomorrow. Exciting! Maybe I can take some pictures. Robin will be with me, as I said, and he just went to the dentist because one of his "wisdom teeth" (I don't know that in Englisch) hurts like hell. Hope he survives until tomorrow :-)
This morning I also saved my butt - the credit card bill was not paid from my bank some days ago, and Tine's parents, who get my mail while I am away, called me yesterday evening when they received a letter from the bank. Fortunateley, all it took me where two short calls after lunch (8am in Germany) and everything was fine again. That would not have been funny: Being in Singapore without a credit card and no bank account. Phew...

So hang on, and all of you Germans, go to nichtlustig and laugh your a** off! And all of you could try joecartoon.

See you!

Mittwoch, Juli 07, 2004

Enter the time machine... this is two years ago, I just found it on, the website of my Abitur-class. And see what I see: There is no bulging belly! DAMN!!!!!!
I just hate it to make crunches these days and not see a single muscle. Going on a diet is sort of a surreal idea for me, as I never have before - but time changes. F**K!

On Monday Andreas (left) came over to officially open the new office. Here he is cutting a little pig with Johannes (right), which is a Chinese tradition. It was pretty good, though - Champagne and roasted pig as breakfast. :-)

Dienstag, Juli 06, 2004


Woooha guys!
I just got the confirmatio of my flight to Manila, Philippines on Thursday. It's on Singapore Airlines - let's see if they are as good as everybody (Tine) says!
And another thing got confirmed... I am so in love! I had some longer phone calls with Tine the last days, and it is like someone blew pure oxygene into the fire of love! It is so good, and it's true! Being loved like that I feel incredibly strong and selfconscious. Waking up with this feeling is the best thing - next to waking up next to Tine :-)

Sonntag, Juli 04, 2004

I am so happy!

Don't ask me why - I seem to be the happiest man on this planet right now! At least - I feel exactly that way. Do you know the feeling when a stranger smiles at you or picks up a little talk? Do you know the feeling when you catch yourself smiling bright for no obvious reason? This is how i am.
Over the last days, the last weeks, I have become increasingly happy. Well, some of my posts may have spoken a different language, but that was immediate feedback, this post is sort of a filtered review. It is the sheer amount of moments when I look up, or look into myself, and find so much to be happy about that I could burst of luck! I am in love with a beautiful girl - I miss her so much, but we are in such close contact that the first thing I hear in the morning often is her voice on the phone. I can't wait to see her, to show her the place I discovered. Then there is the sheer fact that I am here - boy!- in Singapore. 21 years young, quite handsome (if I may say so), on the right track. Focused. Seeking for the next possibility, the next upgrade, the next challenge. Hungry for information.
Last week when I came to my favourite seven-eleven store at the Tang Tock Seng Hospital around the corner, the cashier started talking to me in Chinese. I did not understand a word, so I asked her what she had just said. Know what? She teached me to say "how do you do" and "thanks, fine" in Chinese! That was so cool, and I could not stop smiling when I left the store. Today when I came there, she was excited that I remembered that little piece of conversation, and started chatting away in English again.
I have so many reasons to be happy that I could easily spend the whole night telling you about them... take this little insight by now. And be aware that a lot of you people out there reading this - family, friends, especially my beloved Christine - are the foundation on which I can experience the little wonders that happen every day. God bless you.