my first journey across the ocean!

Mittwoch, Juni 30, 2004

this is fun!

A day like no other - like every other day. I finally got my private website back up at, it has a RSS-Feed of this blog and is the platform for my lyrics, gallery, forum, and so on. All these things had no common basis recently, so this was a natural thing to do.
It is based on Mambo CMS now, a fine CMS with a very good administration module. Just for these who are interested in this kind of information.

Family stuff is getting better - at least there is some hope and light. At the end of the day, we have a common target, even when we come from very different directions.

Work is getting even more interesting right now. I am getting the information that I crawled out ready to be presented in Manila, and as the MNL-guy can't come over here, I will go to Manila with Robin, maybe already next Thursday. Exciting!

So just take a look at my new website, relax regarding my family stuff (it could be worse), and enjoy this day. It won't come back!

Montag, Juni 28, 2004

New week, new crazy things happening - or not, I don't know yet. We'll figure out. Sorry if I scared some of you with my last post... it's serious, damnit, of course, but there's a solution for everything.
I did pretty much nothing this weekend except reading, watching TV, dipping in the pool and sleep a lot. Of course, I am tired anyways. Maybe it is the air here that makes me wanting to fall asleep right now!

I put this blog under the license of creativecommons - just have a look at the sidebar and click the link if you want some additional information. It more or less says: If you want to distribute what I post here, fine with me. But say where you got it from, do not alter it, and don't make money of it.

It would be fun to get some people doing there Diploma thesis to publish them under this license. It is not a GPL, it is not a "just do what you want"-License, and it could be fun to make some more work available (at least internally and for the alumni), some sort of university-knowledge-database. I like that idea... let's see. Maybe it's nothing more than a quick idea. Maybe it is...