my first journey across the ocean!

Samstag, Mai 29, 2004

I finally got the pics from my digicam! God bless LINUX! There it was as easy as "select your camera" -> connect camera -> save pictures. Well, why doesn`t Windows do that? I don't really care any more now. It is up and running now, and I hope you enjoy the pics I will upload here time by time. Requests will be answered, of course!
Have a good day!

This pic was taken on HAM, right before I had to board. Miss U, darling! Can't wait to have you here soon!!!

Yep. I am intended to work here. Any questions???

The office right now!!! I am sitting in the room behind the palm. The three offices in the back stay as they are. But wait till you see my desk!

This is the "condominium" (I don't get it right all the time... its not a condom, its a place to live!) The flat is in the second floor, looking towards the gate you see. Pic of the pool comes later!

You see the roof of the oldest chinese temple in Singapore, yes, we are in Chinatown!

What do avoid when it comes to food in Singapore:

- do not go to Subways. The Sandwiches are overpriced and do not taste at all here.
- avoid BK and McD, the burgers are small (OK, prices are half the german ones) and the chips come with nearly no salt.
- go to one of the uncountable food courts a.k.a. hawker stalls. They can be found everywhere throughout the town/state/country (ha-ha), most of the time in the basements of shopping malls. You get a variety of asian food there you will never forget - SIN is famous therefore. For 4 SGD you get a good meal, and drinks cost around 1 SGD (except everything with alcohol, which is quite expensive). Since I am here, I have never had the same meal twice, and I think I could continue that for the rest of the time. Possibilities are unlimited here.
- If you are asked if you want extra chili, say no.
- If you can't stand spicy food, don't come here.
- Never tip, I once did and that really distracted the waiter!

Oh, and by the way - I am having an office-saturday again, my computer is running on linux temporarily, and it is like a miracle. USB Plug? No Problem. System hanging? Nope. Working on the survey? Yep.
I HATE WINDOWS! (but I´ll come back to it, quite sure).

Freitag, Mai 28, 2004

Wear sunscreen!!!

These words are not only the beginning of one of my favourite songs (you all know the sunscreen-speech, don't you??? If not: Read the lyrics or get the whole story!)
, but they are also an advise that you should follow here in S'pore. I´ve been to Chinatown last sunday, and of course I did not wear sunscreen, which resulted in a red spot on my right shoulder which now, five days later, stops hurting. Damnit!
However, Chinatown was great. I followed to a walking tour out of my LonelyPlanet, which seems to be really as exact and reliable as my travel-experienced darling always says: Every street ist right, every distance, and when they say it's nice but not stunning, then it is nice but not stunning. I really had a lot of fun. The tour started in the CBD, the central business disctrict and went along the outline of Chinatown including the oldest temples and houses - it even included a Burger King exactly when I was hungry! (OK, you got me, I added that.)
Fortunateley, the touristical Chinatown came last on the tour, so that I had already seen the REAL Chinatown and could differentiate now. The tourist-part was awful, it was the first time that the vendors on the street started to get really annoying (that seems to happen only where the tourists are, elsewhere the shop assistants are very kind and friendly). I left that part in a hurry. All in all was it a great little tour, about 2 1/2 hours and 2km distance. If my freakin' notebook would grab the fotos I`d add one ore two... but even a new USB card did not work yet. So watch out! Sooner or later there will be pictures here!!!

Life is a bitch!

Hey guys... I intended to post something on tuesday morning, from my new "home-office". As the office is reconstructed and renovated for three weeks now, we all work from home and meet occasionally when necessary. I got the DSL-Modem from Sharon and again the advise "it works wherever you plug it in" and went home early on monday. Plugged it in. Did not work. Tried other cable, other configuration, nothing. Called the support, and they said: Of course you can use the DSL from home, you only have to wait 5 to 15 days for us to set it up and pay 60 Dollar when you move the account to another telephone number and 60 Dollars when you move it back. So I said goodbye to nice, fast DSL. Tried the dial-up connection. Did not work either, because the modem of my notebook refuses working properly for two months now. So I went and bought an PCMCIA-Modem. Plugged it in and... it did not work. So I went to the office again to get the old notebook that they wanted me to work with at first (the W98 one). Plugged it in... did not work. At last I found out that there was a WIFI-Spot in my room, but the connection is too weak to rely on and only works when I got the notebook on my knees in the bed. Not that comfortable. So I went back to the office today, made some room inbetween all the stuff and tried to work. But my notebook kept collapsing every ten minutes, until I now reduced the resolution of the screen to 800x600 pixel.Everything's blurry now, but who cares! The system is up and running again! And now I'm back to work and back to the blog.
By the way, I don't have to mention that the USB2.0 Card that I bought does not work, either... do I?